Saturday, 21 March 2009

The Socalist Workers Party: Parasites?

The exploits of Militant Tendency in the 1980s are well known.

They nearly destroyed the Labour Party and helped clear the way for Thatcher's wholesale demolition of local government. Selfish, short sighted and blinkered, they are three polite ways to describe this 'party within a party'.

Militant; was an evil seed born in the 1920s and 30s by Leon Trotsky himself and left to germinate in the body of the British socialist movement.

This blogger is no friend of the Labour Party, Unions or 'socialism' of any shade but he does respect Neil Kinnock's struggle against Trotskyist factions within his party.

Trotskyism is a cancerous ideology. Formed by a bitter Trotsky in the decade before his assassination it appears to be a wholesale rejection of the authoritarian strand of communism born from the ashes of post civil war Russia.

Trotsky paints a beautiful image of a pure communist world-a democratic world in which everyone chooses to be a communist. He apparently rejects the strictures of Marxist dialectics and avoids the pitfalls of Stalinism and Stalin's 'Socialism in One Country'.

This is patently absurd. Is this peaceful Trotsky who places so much emphasis on choice and education the same man who starved millions in Southern Russia for daring to choose democracy or anarchism over Marxist Communism? The very same Trotsky who ordered the murders of several hundred thousand 'enemies of the revolution'? The man who placed his machine gunners behind the lines so as to shoot unarmed conscripts who fled in the middle of battle? Yes it is the same man.

It is this man who's 80 year old ramblings still inspire Militant Tendencies successor; the Socialist Workers Party. The SWP is an essentially parasitic organisation that all progressives should avoid at any cost.

Leon Trotsky told his followers to infiltrate existing progressive organisations and use them to further the 'common cause'. He pointed to the British Labour Party as an organisation ripe for 'entryism'. This was militants goal.

After Militants defeat in the 1980s the members merged with the SWP. The SWP proudly proclaims on their website that they are 'will to work with anyone who will help build the moment'. Please compare those final four worlds with Trotsky's words from 1928. The Socialist Worker Party is a zombie that continues to proclaim Trotsky's oppressive, ill thought out, ideology through out the world by hijacking other organisations.

Just look at any anti-war march or anti-capitalist rally. Which parties name appears on the placards? Why, the SWP's of course!

This is because the Socialist Workers Party has taken over the 'Stop the War Coalition' and uses its name to further their own pathetic 75+ year old crusade for world revolution.

Or National Student Union has also been hijacked by this group of deluded perpetual teenagers and power grabbers. This denies moderate students and those who disagree with the SWP's outdated and brutal politics a say in how the organisation works and where they place their resources and campaigns.

The Respect Party has now been totally hijacked by the SWP. The two parties are inseparable and have been coordinated just effectively as Hitler 'coordinated' the German Civil Service. A vote for Respect is a vote for revolutionary Marxism and the corpse of Leon Trotsky.

Most worrying of all is the SWP's involvement with radical Islam. Despite the paternalist instincts of many socialists and the state the so called 'proletariat' is more than capable of looking after themselves. For this reason they reject the desperate middle class despotsy of the radical left.

This has left the SWP and other extremist groups to find new targets. Today you are more likely to find a Marxist trying to 'build the movement' at a Mosque assisting those who hate freedom more than any student Marxist ever could in getting the law changed so they can oppress their female relatives and children.

This is proof of the mercenary and ruthless nature of the SWP.

It is also especially worrying in this era of heightened racial tensions and unemployment. Of course if you believe (millennial cult like) that the revolution is just round the corner little things like fascism and harmony between races and communities doesn't mean anything. After all peace and equality is just round the corner, isn't it?

Of course down here in the real world we are concerned about such things. We reject cheap ideology and doctrine and believe that the little things, like challenging prejudice and oppression in our neighbourhoods is the ay to go.

I for one do not hate the rich and want to set people free to be happy and unequal. As a liberal I do not want to control people, patronise them and force them to be equal in poverty. Even the poorest person wouldn't choose that.

As a final note think about this.

The SWP can't get foot soldiers so what do they do? Get a load of young Muslim (mostly men) angry about Gaza or the Iraq War, create division not the (fascist sounding) 'unity' they so love so much, and then get them to chant their slogans and hold their banners. That then makes it look like they actually have support.

Such moves are stupid and small minded. Not only is it selling out. It is breeding support for the BNP. The BNP says that the UK is becoming like a 'Third World Country' with different groups fighting in the streets. The SWP only goes and gives them angry, dark skinned, young men smashing things up in (justified) anger.

It is retarded and idiotic. They are creating polarisation, driving otherwise sensible people into the arms of extremists be they the BNP or radical clerics.

Perhaps they only want lots of people to buy badges and stickers from their front Unite Against Fascism? Capitalism cuts both ways:p

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