Saturday, 28 March 2009

How Nick Griffin Made His Millions

Nick Griffin is a wealthy man. He has never had to complete an honest days work in his life. When he is not jetting around the world, or travelling round the UK (in a crappy Rover 75 I would hope!) spreading the word of hate he can more often than not be found at his South Wales estate. It is here that he plays at being a country squire and hosts the annual BNP Red white and Blue Rally... Sorry I mean Festival.

Some of this cash is old money. The Griffin's are not a a poor family. Nick's father is a successful accountant and the family trust no doubt pays out a nice annuity... This helps explain the estate, private education and most crucially why the BNP has been able to sustain deposit crunching defeats like the 3.6% vote share bludgeoning at the by-election Henley in 2008. As a point of reference turnout was just over fifty percent and the Green party won 3.8% of the votes cast.

This is not to say that Nick Griffin is just a spoiled brat who has used his daddy's money to further a frankly quite pathetic political career. No, Nick Griffin has been quite successful at adding to the family pot and by extension the coffers of the British Nationalist party. Nick Griffin is the high powered co-owner of an employment agency and foreign language school.

How decent and sensible of him you might think. Mr. Griffin is clearly a true gent, a real country squire who just wants to help all those poor, displaced White British who have been put out of a job by the unwashed hordes of French-Canadian bankers and Indian Computer Science PHD's. His language school must be a work of genius. You can just see it now, rows of nicotine stained old women on long term sickness benefit and paunchy skinheads sitting in a class room learning to know their enemy. May be Richard barnbrooke could set up a film school so they can learn how to shoot, soft, gay porn flicks? Help finance more election defeats.

However this is not how the Griffin business empire works....

In 1980, Nick Griffin became close frein
ds with Roberto Fiore a key suspect in the Bologna Railway Station Bombing. The Bologna bombing was carried out by Neo-Fascists in a city famous for its communist links, 85 people were killed and 200 injured in what remains one of Europe's worst peace time terrorist attacks.

Fiore moved in with Griffin and the two shared rooms for several years (and possibly more if the bisexual rumours are true). The two of them developed a new ideology called 'The International Third Position'-essentially a poisonous mixture of Roman Catholicism , Neo-Nazism, Neo-Fascism and the occult. It is somewhat like the Ku Klux Klan.

In more recent times Griffin and Fiore have gotten into business together. It is Fiore who manages the day-to-day running of their businesses. Easy London (
Londra Facile) is an employment firm that assists Italian speakers in finding employment in Britain! It is also involved with advertising in Italian speaking countries for immigrants and provides advice and naturalisation classes for those who have come over. Speaking from a liberal perspective this is a noble undertaking-but a bizare one for two virulent nationalists and noted xenophobes to be involved with. Especially if you consider the recent British Jobs Campaign.

The language school is another bizarre undertaking. CL Languages, specialises in Italian but in the 10 years since it was founded has expanded into teaching other languages. The school gets a lot of its custom from new immigrants; many of whom are of African or Asian Origin.

Even more bizarrely for a successful company (it has 100 students at a time who pay £30 an hour for tuition). Its accounts, which are managed by Griffin senior showed a profit of only £2,214 for the 2007 financial year. This leaves you wondering; where does that money go?

Edgar Griffin, who was expelled from the Conservative Party in 2001 because of his links with the BNP, admits that his clients business is 'substantial'. Citing confidentiality he refused to tell the Guardian newspaper what the school did with its money. In the same article Simon Darby refused to comment on speculation that the BNP was receiving funds from the school. He stopped short of saying that in refusing to comment on the allegations he was 'just following orders' by stating that 'he had never met the man', but that he knew 'that [the Griffin family] knew him well'.

I have presented the case it is up to you to make up your mind as to whether or not the leader of a party that bases much of its its anti-immigration stance should be helping immigrants get work and become naturalised. I for one feel that it is highly ironic that immigrants are being made to donate to people who publically state that they don't think that they should even be allowed into the country in the first place. That Nick Griffin and Fiore should be involved with those who actually want to intergrate (like almost all immigrants do) and that these brave souls money might end up being used to agitate against them is quite frankly macarbe.

The Guardian Article

Easy London (Site is in Italian)

CL English (refrence on a listing site)

Thursday, 26 March 2009

South Birmingham BNP: Their Progress to Date

Here is what our opponents are doing at the moment:

Every citizen of Birmingham should be ashamed that the BNP can get three branches established in our city.

They are kicking off their European Election campaign. The simple truth is that the BNP know they are no hoper's, that's why they pump so many resources into second order elections. Getting a seat, or seats in the European Parliament will give them credibility (not that it has helped UKIP).

Currently the BNP are drawing crowds in the low hundreds to hear them speak. I guess many of them are bused in. At the last election they were able to stand a candidate in every Ward-that's one candidate in all 40 Wards. Most of them kept their deposit...

VOTE JUNE 4th 2009!
We are lucky in the West Midland European Constituency. Our seat threshold is set so high the BNP will never get. Turnout in Euro elections is never above 40%, so it is easy for the BNP to get a seemingly high result. This might transform itself into funding, media attention and eventually political power.

Sunday, 22 March 2009


A pretty goddam funny video.

A trip inside the warped mind of a believer.

Saturday, 21 March 2009

The Socalist Workers Party: Parasites?

The exploits of Militant Tendency in the 1980s are well known.

They nearly destroyed the Labour Party and helped clear the way for Thatcher's wholesale demolition of local government. Selfish, short sighted and blinkered, they are three polite ways to describe this 'party within a party'.

Militant; was an evil seed born in the 1920s and 30s by Leon Trotsky himself and left to germinate in the body of the British socialist movement.

This blogger is no friend of the Labour Party, Unions or 'socialism' of any shade but he does respect Neil Kinnock's struggle against Trotskyist factions within his party.

Trotskyism is a cancerous ideology. Formed by a bitter Trotsky in the decade before his assassination it appears to be a wholesale rejection of the authoritarian strand of communism born from the ashes of post civil war Russia.

Trotsky paints a beautiful image of a pure communist world-a democratic world in which everyone chooses to be a communist. He apparently rejects the strictures of Marxist dialectics and avoids the pitfalls of Stalinism and Stalin's 'Socialism in One Country'.

This is patently absurd. Is this peaceful Trotsky who places so much emphasis on choice and education the same man who starved millions in Southern Russia for daring to choose democracy or anarchism over Marxist Communism? The very same Trotsky who ordered the murders of several hundred thousand 'enemies of the revolution'? The man who placed his machine gunners behind the lines so as to shoot unarmed conscripts who fled in the middle of battle? Yes it is the same man.

It is this man who's 80 year old ramblings still inspire Militant Tendencies successor; the Socialist Workers Party. The SWP is an essentially parasitic organisation that all progressives should avoid at any cost.

Leon Trotsky told his followers to infiltrate existing progressive organisations and use them to further the 'common cause'. He pointed to the British Labour Party as an organisation ripe for 'entryism'. This was militants goal.

After Militants defeat in the 1980s the members merged with the SWP. The SWP proudly proclaims on their website that they are 'will to work with anyone who will help build the moment'. Please compare those final four worlds with Trotsky's words from 1928. The Socialist Worker Party is a zombie that continues to proclaim Trotsky's oppressive, ill thought out, ideology through out the world by hijacking other organisations.

Just look at any anti-war march or anti-capitalist rally. Which parties name appears on the placards? Why, the SWP's of course!

This is because the Socialist Workers Party has taken over the 'Stop the War Coalition' and uses its name to further their own pathetic 75+ year old crusade for world revolution.

Or National Student Union has also been hijacked by this group of deluded perpetual teenagers and power grabbers. This denies moderate students and those who disagree with the SWP's outdated and brutal politics a say in how the organisation works and where they place their resources and campaigns.

The Respect Party has now been totally hijacked by the SWP. The two parties are inseparable and have been coordinated just effectively as Hitler 'coordinated' the German Civil Service. A vote for Respect is a vote for revolutionary Marxism and the corpse of Leon Trotsky.

Most worrying of all is the SWP's involvement with radical Islam. Despite the paternalist instincts of many socialists and the state the so called 'proletariat' is more than capable of looking after themselves. For this reason they reject the desperate middle class despotsy of the radical left.

This has left the SWP and other extremist groups to find new targets. Today you are more likely to find a Marxist trying to 'build the movement' at a Mosque assisting those who hate freedom more than any student Marxist ever could in getting the law changed so they can oppress their female relatives and children.

This is proof of the mercenary and ruthless nature of the SWP.

It is also especially worrying in this era of heightened racial tensions and unemployment. Of course if you believe (millennial cult like) that the revolution is just round the corner little things like fascism and harmony between races and communities doesn't mean anything. After all peace and equality is just round the corner, isn't it?

Of course down here in the real world we are concerned about such things. We reject cheap ideology and doctrine and believe that the little things, like challenging prejudice and oppression in our neighbourhoods is the ay to go.

I for one do not hate the rich and want to set people free to be happy and unequal. As a liberal I do not want to control people, patronise them and force them to be equal in poverty. Even the poorest person wouldn't choose that.

As a final note think about this.

The SWP can't get foot soldiers so what do they do? Get a load of young Muslim (mostly men) angry about Gaza or the Iraq War, create division not the (fascist sounding) 'unity' they so love so much, and then get them to chant their slogans and hold their banners. That then makes it look like they actually have support.

Such moves are stupid and small minded. Not only is it selling out. It is breeding support for the BNP. The BNP says that the UK is becoming like a 'Third World Country' with different groups fighting in the streets. The SWP only goes and gives them angry, dark skinned, young men smashing things up in (justified) anger.

It is retarded and idiotic. They are creating polarisation, driving otherwise sensible people into the arms of extremists be they the BNP or radical clerics.

Perhaps they only want lots of people to buy badges and stickers from their front Unite Against Fascism? Capitalism cuts both ways:p

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Q. Who owns the NHS? A. Nobody

The tragic deaths of 1,400 people on a single A&E Ward in Staffordshire; over a period of just 3 years reminded me of a newspaper article I read a few years ago.

The colum was about how state owned companies and services; run by managers who get paid no matter what with little regard for 'clients' who may be hundreds of miles away care very little about the services they create.

The NHS is a text book case in this. The Health Minister has powers inherited; quite literally, from a Medieval Monarch. The NHS is no more broken in 2009 than it was in 1949, 1969, 1999, quite simply because it has a flawed design.

The National Health Service is the pinnacle of inhuman statist, corporatist, paternalistic folly. It showcases everything that was wrong about the political settlement post 1945. It was designed, in keeping with our feudal theme, to dispense the benefits of healthcare and sanitation to great full proles. Free healthcare is a noble aim, however, people's control over their own destiny must take priority over all other concerns. Otherwise you wined up with an unwhealdly, abrasive, corrupt and essentially heartless janopoly like the NHS. Such organisations become inefficient and subject to special interests. The petty politics of junior ministers, the news cycle and shop stewards.

It is often forgotten now that before the NHS many areas of the UK had perfectly adequate public healthcare systems. Birmingham was offering NHS style care decades before Labour managed to win a majority at a General Election. The NHS can never hope to compete with a locally managed system.

If our Government ever wants to improve the health system then they should decentralise. Just by reversing the Thatcherite reforms of the 1980s that created target setting and took healthcare out of the hands of local bodies, who understood local priorities and needs we could make a start!

Even better devolve the day to day running of healthcare to local authorities. Money to provide uniform coverage could come from central government if needs be. People could take control of their own health provision by encouraging health co-ops and private insurance. The private sector needs to be encouraged not scorned. Routine health and General Practice services could be provided a lot better by a private firm. Private firms have to look at customer satisfaction otherwise patients go elsewhere. A local GP with a monopoly on local care, soaking up grants for meeting Stalinesque targets, does not have this incentive.

If healthcare was provided through mutuals and co-ops then the views of members would legally have to be taken into account. The NHS, despite some recent improvements, is yet to have this oversight.

You own your body, demand to take back your healthcare!

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Bournville Conservatives

The Conservative Party has controlled Bournville Ward since 2003, lets review their achievements since then:

*A rise in 'anti-social behaviour'
*Lots and lots of lamp-posts/fences painted a very unappealing shade of green.
*Next to nothing about pot-holes.
*Sold off the land upon which a local swimming pool was sighted to housing developers.
*Blocked a new bus route which would have improved local transport greatly.
*Attempted to block the construction of a new conference centre on the grounds that the (very tasteful) design was not keeping with the areas 'historic character'.
*Banned the public consumption of alcohol and attempted to stop graffiti-whilst ignoring real anti-social behaviour.
*Said behaviour was introduced to the area thanks to the housing policy of Conservative City Council.

Nigel Dawkins has done nothing for his constituents in his 9 year term as city councillor. Keep him out of Parliament at the next election!

Monday, 16 March 2009

Some Truths About Birmingham's History

There you have the BNP's take upon the history of Birmingham. May I just say r'tards!

They have a seriously selective historiographical memory.

Here's a few facts so you can make up your own mind about the history of this great 'Anglo-Irish' city:

17th Century, The Huguenots; Protestant refugees from France, revolutionise industrial production in Birmingham*.

-1740, the UK has a non white population of over 40,000*. Over 400 persons of ethnic minority origin live in Birmingham pop. 14,000 (3.5%)*.

-1880 onwards, tens of thousands of Jews make Birmingham their home*. They are welcomed for their skills and granted asylum to escape persecution.

-1900-1940, Over 15,000 Italians make their way to Birmingham*.

-1923, The first Mosque is founded in Mosley Birmingham. Happy 86th birthday organised Islamic community:)!*

1931, Ghandi is welcomed by the cities flourishing Indian community.

-1934, Birmingham has 3 registered Sikh doctors*.

-1948, Skilled labour from the Commonwealth comes to rebuild Birmingham, they are welcomed*.

-1972, Birmingham is again rejuvenated by the arrival of highly skilled immigrants from Uganda*.

-1990s, Birmingham recognised as a beacon of integration by authorities world wide.

-2000s, Tourist office begins specifically promoting Birmingham's long settled immigrant communities; e.g. Balti Triangle*.

-2009 BNP release a hilarious video that is taken the piss out of by everyone who knows and loves Birmingham.


*Robert Winder-Bloody Foreigners 2004

*Don Dick-Birmingham a City and Her People 2005

*Pav Singh-Ethnic Minorities in Birmingham 1934-1995 1997

*Birmingham Council Tourist Literature circa. 2009

*50 Years On-Trevor Philips 1998

Sunday, 15 March 2009

First Post

This is my first post on this blog so it may seem a little random.

OK, I decided to create this page after seeing a few friends blogs and deciding that I could do that to. The reason for the name is quite simple. I consider my self a liberal and I support the liberal democrats. However, I do not fully agree with them.

I'm currently in two minds about whether or not to join the party because whilst I do not want to get involved with party politics; or to toe some party line. I do nevertheless want to see a more liberal Britain and wish to combat the spread of the far right.

For this reason I feel that all right thinking people should get involved with politics and fight the BNP and other such organisations at a local level before they get entrenched.