Another post on this same old topic! This was typed at speed onto a forum so I'm sorry if its not fully coherent. I might go over it again later.
That the BNP wanted to reduce the "ethnic minority" population of the UK to around 1-2% is well known. What is less well known is that they want to abolish all of the equality laws and any group that h

as been set up for minorities using public funds. Personally I think that is going a little to far, but I agree with it in principle. However, the BNP have another policy on expression. They want to establish a commission to investigate and prevent "political slander", making it illegal to spread lies about political parties. In a similar vein they want to 'reduce' foreign ownership of the British media, 'clear up' the BBC and launch a crusade against immorality and rubbish on TV.
In a similar vein they support extensive devolution. They want every parish or urban ward to be largely autonomous with a board elect

ed by local people at public meetings. Again, it sounds very laudable. Until you hear that these boards are little more than electoral colleges for electing the district councils and county councils that will make the real decisions (effectively taking democracy out of the peoples hands). Another worrying thing is that these 'local boards' will be able to decide who gets what in terms of social welfare and will be able to set punishments for minor criminals (without judicial trial). Obviously a ward or parish of around 3,000 is not large enough to provide an effective form of governance in this day and age so all decisions of note will be taken by district or county councils which are answerable to the local boards-not to the electorate. When I read the BNP's paper in which they outlined these proposals I was interested to see that no provision was made for a secrete ballot for local board elections.

At a national level the situation is similar. The BNP want to create national parliaments for all four constituent nations, which will be appointed by local county councils, instead of being directly elected. The Westminster Parliament will cease to exist a new 'Council of the Isles' being established on the Isle of Mann (the BNP state that they want the RoI to reunite with the 6 counties, or at least accept the Council of the Isles as the supreme decision making body). The Council of the Isles will be elected using closed list proportional representation, thus severing the constituency link and giving people no say over who actually gets elected beyond a percentage (list PR is relatively easy to manipulate), MPs would have no independence from their party being dependent upon their position on the list.
In terms of law and society the BNP would introduce the death penalty for murder, terrorism o

offences and paedophilia. Their position on anti-terror and criminal legislation is generally unknown beyond a pledge to 'do what it takes'. They are known to be sceptical about trial by jury. There sentencing and prison policy can be best described as 'brutal'. The party's long standing commitment to outlawing homosexual acts and castrating/executing active homosexuals was recent relaxed to one of helping those who wish to change. The BNP's views on the monarchy are ambivalent.

The party supports segregated schooling and plan to send non 'British' pupils to schools that teach them about 'their culture'. Those who are seen as native shall be sent to either a Celtic or Anglo-Saxon school depending on where about's in the country it is and their family ancestry. Learning foreign languages will be discouraged whilst learning your 'native language' (which in the case of Anglo-Saxon, at least,

never died out, just evolved) will be compulsory. Teaching will go back to how it was 50 years ago, strict uniform codes will be introduced and corporal punishment introduced. Membership of youth organisations will be compulsory as will be participation in 'traditional festivals' (the festivals are compulsory for all ages).
In the economic sphere the BNP back nationalisation of certain strategic industries, utilities and transport firms. As well as the establishment of corporate enterprises which sound not dissimilar to those of Mussolini. They also want to end free trade and raise taxes.